The Importance Of Good Financial Planning

The Importance of Good Financial Planning


Rafael R Estrada

There is a thing known as financial intelligence, it refers to a way of planning what you do with your money very carefully. Unfortauntely a lot of people do not seem to know how to keep track of their finances in a way that ensures continued growth and profits, and this is where it can be helpful to hire the professional services of a good accountant. Businesses from all over the world will go out of their way to find the best accountants around, and even if you do not own a very large business of your own there is still the chance that the services of an accountant could prove to be quite useful to you.

There is nothing to feel ashamed of if you are having trouble making sense of your finances. There are many people out there who earn a lot of money but at the same time seem to end up spending a lot more than they earn. You do not have to bother worrying about these kinds of things when you have a good financial adviser there to help you. This is really one of the main reasons why people hire accountants – taking care of income and expenditures is difficult and there is a lot of work that needs to be done every day.


If you do not want to worry about spending a lot of time behind the desk adding up numbers and trying to figure out where all of your money goes, you do not have to. There are plenty of quality accountants out there who will be more than happy to help you out with these tasks, so you can just sit back and watch as your finances are taken care of. A good accountant will help your financial future in a wide variety of ways, whether by giving you advice and tips on how to cut back expenses to save money or in telling you how to budget your income for investments.

There is little doubt that the richest people in the world often trust their accountants to help them keep track of their expenses, even though they of course have the final say in where their money goes. You should definitely consider hiring an accountant if you want to make sure that the money you earn is counted properly as well.

Of course, finding the right accountant can take time, so you will want to spend some time researching this area of the financial industry before you choose to hire anyone. Good accounting services are not all that difficult to find, however, and after spending some time searching online you will probably find the personal web sites of a few of them where you will be able to get all the information you need. Then it is just a matter of calling in to have a chat and see what can be done about the issue. Keep in mind that different accountants will charge different rates so make sure to have a look around and see if you can spot a good deal.

These factors make

financial planning

very important for any business and finding and hiring a good financial planner for the job is imperative. Visit this


to get more information.

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Posted by Admin in Accounting Firm - Comments (0)
19 April

Better Together + Leverage = Joint Ventures

Better Together + Leverage = Joint Ventures


Ronda Del Boccio

Here’s a little small business advice that will pad your pocketbook with minimal expense and minimal effort. It may sound too good to be true, but all it takes is understanding “better together.” Starting with what else do your customers need, I will show you how to organize profitable joint ventures.

Have you ever bought those popular sandwich cookies that have their own song? Part of the song is about dunking those oh-so-chocolaty sandwich cookies in milk. Better together. Yogurt with fruit, hotdogs with mustard, and bagels with cream cheese – lots of things are better together. Now you are about to discover how to think that way for your business.

This is one of the easiest ways to add to your profits. I can’t think of any better small business advice I can give you than to organize these mutually beneficial offers.

No matter what kind of business you run, what products you sell or services you offer, you can serve both your customers and your bank account better by organizing joint ventures, or JVs. All you need is a sincere desire to serve your customers even better than you already do plus an eye for increasing leverage.

An accountant and a tax preparer are a natural fit. Someone who hires an accountant also needs to do taxes, and she is more likely to hire someone. So offering a special offer, such as a discount coupon or service upgrade deal is valuable. Likewise, the tax preparer sees a lot of people who certainly SHOULD have someone do their accounting. Thus, he arranges to offer a discount or special offer from the accountant for all his clients.


That’s a win-win-win proposition. It’s like creating money out of thin air, because there is minimal effort, negligible cost, and long-term benefit for the business owners PLUS value added for the customer. Here’s how it works.

Both businesses increase their bottom line and gain new customers because of the arrangement. And I cannot forget to mention that all of this happens with NO advertising costs. They each may print off coupons or letters, but the cost of copies is far less than the cost of TV, radio or newspaper advertising.

And the customers win because when they purchase either service, they receive a little extra gift that gives them something they need. Not every customer will do business with both the accountant and the tax preparer, but some will.

Working deals like this can easily add whole new streams of income without adding extra duties, expenses or employees..

*** How to look for JV opportunities ***

Take some time to reflect upon and write down your answers to the following questions, because it will give you insights that can turn into profit.

* What else do my customers want or need?

Do my customers use additional services alongside mine?

* Do they typically purchase from nearby merchants or stores?

* What else can I add to go along with what I already offer that won’t take up my own time and energy?

You might notice customers coming into your business carrying shopping bags from a particular shop. Seeing this often means there is a pattern. You could go talk to the owner of that business and create a mutually beneficial deal.

If you do business online, what other products are a natural fit with what you offer? Who offers those other products or services? Since I have a system for how to write a book that prospers your business, I organize JVs with publishers and book launch companies.

Once you know what else your customers would like, you seek out a reliable source with whom to organize a mutually beneficial deal. So start using the “better together” formula to create your own profitable joint ventures.

Imagine organizing prosperous deals for your business! Get your free audio “How to harness The Power of Joint Ventures for Your Business” at

. Ronda Del Boccio is an author mentor and Certified Joint Venture Facilitator. She works with entrepreneurs, authors and small business owners worldwide..

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Posted by Admin in Accounting Firm - Comments (0)
1 August